“Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenched communities, and in some not-too-distant tomorrow, the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all of their scintillating beauty."

Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from the Birmingham Jail

O God of light,



The light shines in the darkness
And the darkness has not overcome it.

May the light of Christmas
Continue to brighten the dark corners
Of our world
Our communities
And our lives.

Light shines!


Happy Epiphany

Mark 1:5



O God

So very near

All around us

You speak

Sacred space

Shining truths

Light emerging

Voices speaking

And from our lips

Here am I

Here am I

Here am I

In this chorus

I hear

Your love


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It’s hard to listen
In the midst of a mess
That we’re not really listening to
That we look at
But don’t really see
You name it
Our attention is so easily averted
And in the midst
Sometimes in the distance
When we lean into grace
We can catch a glimpse of you
We’re not always listening
But still you speak
We’re not always watching
But still love enters

O God
In this time
In this place
May we pause
And listen
For love
Is coming
And O heavens
We don't want to miss it

Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts. Psalm 85:8



There is such power

In space


Free from debris

That obstructs our views

Unoccupied by stuff

That demands too much attention

A holy emptiness

That invites and says

Come For in the vastness

There is room to be and breathe


For in this place

Light and love will delight in dance

Come For in this space

A new thing will be born

And its name will be love.





In line again

Didn't think it'd come to this

Not me

But the shop closed

How to put food on the table

We made it for a while

But we ran out

Its horrible

Hunger and short tempers

The line grows longer each week

Today it wraps around the block

I’m not alone

But it’s so hard to be here

Hiding behind this mask makes it easier

My identity hidden

Waiting for another load

6 feet apart

Waiting for the stimulus check

They have no idea

Waiting through a dark winter

So cold

This will be a long wait.

Restore us O God

Let your face shine

That we may be saved.




Today's sketch prayer is inspired once more by Emily M. D. Scott's new book For All Who Hunger. Its beautiful stories tell of giving birth to St. Lydia's church in Brooklyn, and the powerful practices of church over dinner.

"In a city of glimmering lights and cracked sidewalks, every soul, whoever they may be, in an unguarded moment when their children are sleeping in bed, or when they hear the subway rumble deep underground, or when they catch sight of the skyline pink and flushed at twilight, will allow the brusque manner or affected laugh to slip away from their shielded hearts and remember, as if in a dream, that there is something they are searching for that they have not yet found.

They know that the rope has frayed and snapped, and that they, just like me, are in their own small wooden boats, lost on the sea.

I couldn’t bear to feel like we were drifting away from each other, carried apart on the deep. So I set tables, hoping we could all find our way home."

Emily M. D. Scott

And my sketchprayer in response

Thank you, God
For holy voices
Calling again and again
Helping us all
To find our way home.




Today's sketch prayer is Inspired by Emily Scott's new book For All Who Hunger. Its beautiful stories tell of giving birth to St. Lydia's church in Brooklyn, and the powerful practices of church over dinner.

"When I think of what our church made together, I think of those small beacons of light reminding you that even if you haven't found it yet, there is a shore somewhere, and you won't drown in these depths." Emily M. D. Scott

And my sketchprayer in response:

Hold us O God
When we find ourselves
Becoming something new
But not yet.
Bless us with an expansive view of vast possibilities
Beyond imagination
But also a safe space
From which to find our way.




On this summer solstice day O God 
I’m thinking about our earth, our place on it, and the larger cosmos that we’re a part of. 
Astrophysicists are amazing people -
Acute observers of the universe,
Reading and carefully mapping our past and our future.

Yesterday during an awe-inspiring lecture 
I witnessed a dramatic telling of our context as revealed on a logarithmic map of the universe. 
Oh my. 
We journeyed from the Earth’s core out to the Earth’s surface, the International Space Station, the Hubble Telescope, other satellites orbiting the Earth, the moon, the sun, planets, asteroids, distant stars, black holes, pulsars, other galaxies, quasars and cosmic microwave radiations, out to the edge where the universe becomes opaque. 
The place where any potential intelligent life is so far away that it will never know that we exist. 
It will never know we exist.

But I am. 
I breathe,
I love,
Though I am too small for this map.

I stand on this Earth, 
But this Earth is mapped as a tiny spec.

We travelled the map through the universe from core to edge in 5 minutes,
A scale at which this moment, this now, cannot be captured, 
It's duration not mappable.

What then of me? 
Of this earth? 
Of this sun that shines on us for so long on this solstice day?

May I recall today that I am yours, 
Me and all around me -
We are yours.
This earth is yours,
And all that we see and touch, taste and smell is yours. 
And this glorious warming sun is your gift -
Your gift to this ever-expanding universe that you are creating in our midst. 
In our midst, 
Below our noses
And within us,
Your creative power astounds.

May I delight in all that I have the gift of experiencing 
In the space and time of this day, 
Knowing that I matter. 
We all matter. 
It all matters
To you.



Here’s the map we scrolled up in 5 minutes: 
Many thanks to the magi project

And here’s a mind-blowing scale model of our solar system that clarifies the distortions of every map we studied in school. A short video shot in the Nevada desert



Guide us O God
Not to want more than we need
But to long for love
Love so powerful
So compassionate
Love that can change the world.
Yes, O shepherd.
May we long for that
Simply hearts overflowing with love
That changes the world.



And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1

O Creator God,
How you amaze!
Bugs that can jump 10 times as high as their length!
A species 250 million years old
Accelerating at a rate of 20G!
As we celebrate our earth,
Remind us to pause 
To notice
To explore.
May you find us standing
In awe and wonder
It is so very good.
Thanks be to God!

#earthday2019 #itsawonderfulworld



On this night, we gathered,
we waited and watched.
Our stories were woven together
with those of your saints of every time and every place.
On this night, earth met heaven.
On this night, humanity met divinity.
And your love, dear God, dawned anew,
stretching out for all your people.
We pray that your love is born again in our hearts,
our homes, our cities
and in all countries around the world.
With gratitude, we sing Alleluia!
May a new day dawn for us all. Alleluia indeed!


From Open Our Hearts: Daily Prayers for Lent and Holy Week, Ann Gerondelis Author, Wild Goose Press 2018


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In the days ahead
O God
May you find us 
Standing breathless
Awed by unexpected beauty
Moved by acts of compassion
Touched by tender love
Humbled by grace.
May devoted hearts overflow with
A love so generous
Love beyond measure
Love for all your people
Powerful love 
That alone 
Can change the world.





Below the surface
O God
You tend and nurture,
And then
Before us bursts
Love and beauty,
Beyond our imagination.
Calm our restless souls
That we may know you are near
That we may hear you and see you -

Imagining new possibilities,

Who've been here
All along.



O Lord,
In your mercy beyond measure,
Hear the cries of your people.
O Lord,
Hear our prayer.
O Lord,
Hear all our prayers.

#LoveAlwaysWins #StopTheHate

In response to the mass shootings this weekend in mosques in Christ Church, New Zealand.



In the week ahead

We ask that you

Open our eyes

To angels in our midst

O God

For we are surrounded by your messengers

And we long to hear their voices

Calling our names

Inspiring us

With compassion

And love enough for all

Each and every one.





How grateful we are, O God,
that you call us,
that you claim us,
and that you mysteriously mark us in love.
We, your people - grateful indeed.

from Open Our Hearts: Daily Prayers for Lent and Holy Week, Wild Goose Publications 2018.



"Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated." MLK Jr

Why are we so afraid God,
Building these walls around us?
Brick by brick
We carefully construct illusions of protection.
We grow distant,

Protected and safe.
No uncertainties.
No pain.
No gripping fear to keep us up at night.

No surprises.
No connection.
No glimpse of all that you are creating for us, O God.

This MLK day
We ask you to call us back to you.
Hear our prayers, even in the midst of suspicions of difference.
Nudge us to grow confident in standing shoulder to shoulder
Discovering together the power of the Beloved Community that you are calling us to become.

Lift the walls that separate us,
and give all your people that glimpse of a brighter tomorrow, O God.
Grant us the strength and the courage to work with each other and for each other,
With you.


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