O God,
How can we be here?
We have seen evil,
horrendous evil in our streets.
Yet in the midst
even in this place,
especially in this place,
Your voice calls.
You call us
to be Your people
in this world that You love. 
This world. 
This time. 
This place. 
Oh God, here we need your help to be brave, 
especially when it is easier to turn away. 
Help us instead to pause, 
to see, 
to listen to your voice in the midst.
We know you are here.
Make us bold enough to open clenched fists, 
to dry tears,
to step out and
work tirelessly, 
shouting for justice. 
Your hands.
Your feet.
Working together.
In the midst of hate, dear God,
bring brave love.
Brave love, indeed. 
Lord in your mercy,
Lord in your infinite mercy,
we pray.


O how words can hurt
Like a punch in the gut.
...These will
Not be accepted...
...These will
Not be allowed...
How hard it is
To be knocked down
By their power.

On days like this
And especially nights that follow
We ask O God that you remind us
Of the power of love -
The incredible
Mysterious power
Of unconditional love.

Love that is kind,
True and honorable,
Love that protects,
That trusts,
That hopes,
That lasts longer.
Love that is greater.
Greater than any evil.

Surround all your children this night
With love so powerful,
Love that can heal even these open wounds.
Bring tangible signs to
Remind us all
That we are each your beloved.
That love trumps fear and hate,
That love wins every time.
For love is always greater -
Even when it's hard to imagine,
Love is greater still.

Let it be so this night, O God.
Let it be so into all our tomorrows.



O holiest of spirits,

As the wild goose soars,

So do you.

Twisting, turning,

With strength and power.


Beyond control,

You call our names.


We who grow anxious and fearful,

We who succumb too easily to popular norms,

We who fail to lift our heads upward.

We who fall silent too soon, too often.


In the midst,

You come like a raging wind,

Calling us with loud squawks and honks.

May we listen to these uncommon invitations,

And join your spirit ways -

Boldly shouting ‘yes’ to grand, unknown adventures,

Courageously turning where your voice leads,

Transforming systems to bring healing and wholeness,

Radically welcoming all of God’s people,

Speaking truth to power, day after day,

With open hearts, generous in love.


May we be so brave as to follow your wild ways, 

Knowing you will joyfully lead us,

And love us, on the journey.


For all that will be,

We lift our hearts and hands in gratitude,

O wild,

O wonderful

Spirit of God.






What a gift it was.

A symbol of friendship between the French and the Americans.

From one people to another.

A celebration of democracy,

The end of American slavery.


And then...

A poet,

Emma Lazarus,

Offered new words

That painted a broader context.

New meanings.

Now inseparable.


"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" 


Here at Lady Liberty’s feet,

These words give pause.

And tears upon tears.


Oh God who nurtures creative gifts in us all,

Works that transform our landscape year by year,

Make us bold contributors,

That we may courageously stand and speak

Of liberty which frees all your people from oppression.


Empower makers among us,

In these complex days

To take a stand and boldly declare

Yes, love.

Yes, compassion.

Yes, welcome.

Yes, liberty for all.

Yes, in this America.



With voices raised,

One by one,


May we become together the people that you dream we can be.

One people of God.

Open hearts.

Open hands.

Room enough for all.


Let it be so,

O God of boundless love.

Let it be so.






O God of all seasons,
Of work and rest,
Warm breezes and cricket songs
Offer glimpses of summer's coming.

May our lengthening days
Bring to all, a bit of quiet and stillness,
A place apart from full schedules
And busy days.

May glowing night windows
Frame our ordinary habitations, 
Cherished activities,
Lives gathered in love.

Above us,
May your mantle of stars
Remind us all
That in you, we are home.


Doboy Lights

Doboy Lights